

insecure me
I'm not perfect I'm flawed
sorry I don't look like the magazine models......
they are perfect they are pretty
I'm flawed I look ugly .......
But my insecurities are my strength...
I look up to my flaws my insecurities
cause they make up me.....
My insecure beauty is pretty
if you don't get it then leave it.....
I don't need your acceptance
i need self love to be appreciated.....
Every breath and every walk
I love to talk about my insecurity ........
I look up to my self with an explanation........
I look beautiful isn't that enough.....

I look pretty is it my worth?
I questioned myself....
I'm talented isn't it my worth.....
I look beautiful isn't that enough......
I still get insecure looking to that perfect figure......
isn't that enough I'm pretty enough....
I look in mirror I see a pretty girl isnt that enough.....
my insecure beauty is beautiful.......
and it is my worth........
Let's love ourselves with each flaws and insecurities after all they are all part of me........

© Nehal