

Delusional Friend
We hit it off right from the start,
You had your pretty face on.
I have felt you watching my every move,
Hanging on every word.
See, your problem is you think your smarter then everyone,
Your stories you have shared,
Are pretty fucked up.
You should not be proud of the words you speak,
Your behavior is not kind,
It reeks of mean.
Its been a year now,
Since we have been friends,
It seems the more I learn about you,
The more I'm ready to run away.
You have been rude to me to many times,
My tolerance for drunks has run dry.
Your an addict my dear,
Please seek help,
Your postponing your healing from all your trauma.
I dare not engage a rude, high, drunk,
For it is pointless,
I choose to not ruin everyone elses good time.
You lack an abundance of wisdom for your age,
You remain dependent on your daddy,
Its time you break away.
Your childs monthly income you waste away on weed,
That money is his future,
You should be completely ashamed.
Yet you judge your surroundings as if your a saint?
I can continue writing,
there's so much to say,
but I feel I've wasted enough of my energy.
This friendship is about to change.

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