

Nothing Left
I have nothing
It seems that
Out of me nature
Wants something
Something I don't know
What it is Something
I'm not sure I know
How to give
I have nothing

In the chaos of life
I keep finding myself pressed
Pressed like grapes pressed
To draw out the juice
Except there's no juice
Left in me
I have nothing

I squirm as I walk
Upon the waters to
Look into the abyss
Of my innermost being
Looking for Even an iota
Of what's left
Of what life seeks to draw out
I searched the soul of my spirit
But all he said was
Dude, you're out
I couldn't go any deeper, so
I didn't stay any longer

I browsed through the
Mind of my heart
The seat of my emotions but
All I could feel was nothing
I have nothing

I gazed upon the arena of my
Day to day life and
Social institution and
All I could see was
All I've given
Nothing was left
Dude, I was absolutely out

I finally transfixed my
Eyes upon the sky
For the hand
of the Lord to
Come to the rescue
To give me something and
I am patiently waiting
© siphe