

Be Happy
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way for happiness,
Sad yesterday is goen away,
Today everything is fine,
Tomorrow future will be bright,
But some doesn't think the same,
Infact all people don't think,
It's human nature,
He likes to live in past,
Or he likes to worry about future,
But he forgets to enjoy present,
Just like watch pendulum,
Past - Future game,
But stop now,
Drop all your worries,
Be happy in present,
What stop you from being happy,
Some people, some situation, or yourself,
Remember one thing in life,
No people can make you unhappy,
No situation can make you unhappy,
Even yourself cannot make you unhappy,
Unless you decided to be unhappy,
Happiness is not connected with some person or some situation,
It is a thing which is already inside you,
You are happiness,
You are the source of happiness,
Just think about one thing,
Can you laugh on one joke again and again,
No, one can do that,
Then how can you be sad for one reason again and again,
Wake up yourself,
See yourself,
You are already happy,
You are the fountain of happiness and joy.