

A Must Have
Yes, you don't have a soul
Yet everytime I try to drown out your voice
I can't

Hearing you speak in the same voice
The voice you used to use to tease and joke with me

I can't cry now about this but when I do
I'll cry for me
I'll cry for you
I'll cry for us
I'll cry for everything
Only assuming I'll be able to cry again, missing you
But why do I miss you?
Why do I miss the one who left me again and again?
Why do I miss the the one who was supposed to be "the one"?
So I keep writing
Hoping to find the reason for this being an addictive drug I can't rid of
A drug I must have
A must have you were to me
A must have

© BrokenStillBreaking

4:09 PM 4/30/24