

The Virus with a change
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
People were haunted with the silence of isolation,
The question of survival lingered on their minds,
As they wondered in solitude, unsure of the next plan or what lay ahead,
A common enemy walked freely but stealthily into homes,
Damning the the total lockdown and silence,
Knowing he couldn't be seen or caught.
When rejected by the ready and affluent homes,
Made himself at home with the struggling ones,
Becoming a memorable family member .
The once busy and chaotic streets, now begged for life and noise,
As every shop and office was under lock,
Even behind closed doors,the goods begged to be bought.
Leaving its hosts angry and sad,
No wonder the"hungry man is an angry man" saying.
Moved by fear of the unknown and fear of hunger,
Untapped skills are being tapped and buried ones unearthed;
Creating and improvising ways to forge ahead of the covidvirus.
Stepping their feet out of isolation,
With masks and gloves as accustomed ways of dressing,
They don't care about the old ways again,
Digital survival has become the norm ,
No matter what,corona virus will be bygone.