

The Hole
I wish I could tell you when it started,
or when I fell into this giant hole.
When the sanity departed,
and I wore through this ragged soul.
I wish I could tell you how I got here,
or the direction that I took.
If only I had a rearview mirror,
so you could take a look.
I wish the time that I traveled,
could somehow be returned.
So the past could be unraveled,
and relived with what I've learned.
I wish that perseverance that I started with,
still somewhat remained.
When I still harbored youthful innocence,
and had yet to bare these chains.
I wish you had known the old me,
before life had fallen from my grasp.
When I was nothing more than just a gentle breeze,
blowing through the grass.
I wish I would have listened,
to the many lessons I was told.
Instead I waste away inside this prison,
restrained by cinder blocks and mold.

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