

I wish I knew how to love
All I wanted to do is love you selflessely
All I became is someone who is always behaving crazy
All I felt for you is love and affection
All I could give you is unwanted irritation

I tried to make you laugh and touch your funny bone
All I could touch is your touch me not zone

I wanted to reach to inner most core of your heart
and hold you there tight
All I could do is spoiling the moment
and ending up in a fight

I wanted to love you hard
but never wanted to be the one who is hard to love
But that is where I ended up I am sorry
I tried my best still could not be the good one

I wanted you around and be around you
to feel the gift of togetherness we share
I forgot that it does not work that way,
I need to be fixed in a timetable and stay there

Sorry I failed to figure out when is the right time and how things should be done
How much is enough and how much is too much
don't know how to deal with this confusion

How much to give and how much to ask for
so that you should know you are precious and wanted
How much to refrain
so that you should not feel burdned and suffocated

I don't know when to go with the flow
niether I know when and how much to control
All I know that I love you
with all my heart and soul

© preeti- let's talk life