

Invisible Jigsaw
We keep saying goodbye.
For as long as i've known you,
Which is not at all,
We've fought the same fight,
Though you're still in yours,
Raring to see out the battle.

When will we say hi?
When will this life of passerbys
Coincide to tandem flight
Giving us equal weight
To glide together across the scry?
"I wonder other twists we have
Ahead of us??"

As we see the obvious,
Is it the hearts that fall in place,
Or put in mind, the intellect
Of emotions finds?
How connected is the breath
That interjects to intervene
The call the to life?

The patterns hold the pieces.
Observing all the undeserved portions
We've been leased, oversees the caution
In contortion of our pleases.
Lets let the pattern, let the pattern
Let the pattern. It will sort, how it best
Sees it.

© Haiych