

Whispers of imagination
In a world beyond the tangible,
Where dreams dance with reality's shroud,
A tapestry woven from every mind,
Fantasies blending, voices unbowed.

In fields of gold beneath a sapphire sky,
A maiden fair, her eyes filled with wonder,
With whispered secrets, her spirit takes flight,
From the land of dreams, she'll never surrender.

Her hands caress each fleeting thought,
As she paints a canvas, her heart alight,
Brushstrokes awaken worlds unseen,
Blurring boundaries, day blending with night.

A poet's words, like whispers on the breeze,
Echoing through the corridors of time,
Stories spun with threads of enchantment,
Stirring emotions, evoking passion sublime.

A scientist, with keen and curious mind,
Explores realms unknown, seeking truth's embrace,
Boundaries tested, limitations defied,
Merging the seen with the realms outer space.

In the heart of a wanderer, an explorer of souls,
Uncharted territories beckon far and wide,
Maps unfold, treasures yet untold,
Liberating spirits, where boundaries collide.

For in this realm of infinite dimensions,
Imagination conquers all constraints,
As souls unite in poetic symphony,
Fantastical realms where reality abstains.

So let us weave a tapestry grand,
With threads of dreams both bold and bright,
For in this realm where imagination roams,
Reality and fantasy unite.
© Japheth