

A seed planted deep, in the heart of man
A weed that grows strong, with every selfish plan
It chokes the love, that once flourished bright
Leaving only thorns, of bitter endless fight

In families, it divides, and tears apart
Brother against brother, and heart against heart
It poisons the well, of love and trust
Leaving only bitter, the sweetest of dust

In communities, it spreads like a disease
A plague that infects, with no remedy to cease
It fuels the fires, of discrimination and hate
Leaving only ashes, of a love that's too late

In governments, it corrupts, and destroys the land
A cancer that eats, at the heart of the nation's hand
It prioritizes power, over people's needs
Leaving only ruin, where once a great dream seed

But the consequences, of selfishness we'll reap
A harvest of sorrow, a future we'll weep
For when we choose self, over love and kindness true
We sacrifice the beauty, that only unity can do

So let us uproot, this weed of selfish desire
And plant instead, the seeds of love's sweet fire
That we may reap, a harvest of peace and grace
And build a world, where love finds its sacred space.