

Whispers of Strange Trails
Through the woods where shadows play,
Strange trails wind, both night and day.
Whispers of secrets the forest conceals,
Echoing stories, the unseen reveals.

Leaves rustle in an enigmatic dance,
Nature's theater, a mystic trance.
Footprints unseen on the untrodden ground,
Where the surreal and reality are bound.

Moonlight paints a silver trail,
Through the mystic, the unknown unveil.
Under the canopy, shadows entwine,
A journey peculiar, the wild design.

Creatures unseen, their tales untold,
In the strangeness, mysteries unfold.
Ephemeral echoes of a silent call,
Strange trails beckon, inviting all.

Step by step, the path meanders,
Through enchanted groves where wonder wanders.
Lost in the labyrinth of the ancient woods,
Strange trails weave through solitudes.

Follow the whispers, the winding track,
Embrace the oddness, don't look back.
In the heart of the wild, where mystery prevails,
Adventure awaits on these strange trails.