

Shadows of the mind
In the darkness of my mind, anxiety creeps,
Like a shadow, it follows me, never sleeps.
Every breath feels heavy, every heartbeat loud,
Lost in a maze of doubt, feeling so alarmed.

Depression wraps it’s icy fingers around my soul,
Dragging me deeper into a bottomless hole.
Whispers of despair echo in my ears,
As I drown in my own tears.

Suicide whispers sweet lies in my ear,
Promising an end to all my fears,
But I hold on, clinging to hope’s fragile thread,
Knowing that there is still life ahead.

Anorexia whispers of control and perfection,
As I starve myself in a twisted self-correction.
My body a battleground, a war that I can’t win,
Trapped in a cycle of self-hate and sin.

Self-harm leaves scars upon my skin,
A silent cry for help from deep within.
Each cut a release, a momentary relief,
But the pain remains, a constant thief.

Emotional dysregulation, a rollercoaster ride,
With highs and lows I can’t seem to hide.
My emotions a tangled mess, a storm inside.
But I hold on, trying to find a way to comply.

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