

Unearthly Being, You'll Leave Me Too.
Blue eyed soul,
As brilliant as stars,
Sea tide surges with it's long silvery roll,
Comes with the twilight's roaming air
Oh, so littered with scars.
You still manage to look so pretty
So alluring, in your eyes
They hold secrets I can never fathom
Secrets belonging to the corners of the universe
Mysteries of the creation of the skies.
How can this unearthly being
Ever walk here
Wouldn't the mud turn to gold beneath your feet
Wouldn't the sorrows wither away and die
Before you come near?
So, tell me, immortal soul
What benefit your deathlessness will do to me?
Won't you just be like all others
And take away all your gorgeousness
Before I can even see?

#beautiful #magic #universe #cosmos #magical #beautiful #pretty

© Tanushka