

The chared souls of my feet sting as I step closer to you
Odd, isn't it? How scorching magma turns to chilled stone, simply from an icy stare
Is my opinion of the fumes you form so great to you?


So much so for you to change your very temperature to fit it the iris of my eyes?

I wont let my tounge click just to give you enough time to swallow your brazen breath
If you wanted to speak fire, you should've remained hot


Don't fret, I've come to sing your praises
I've shed my blood for you, watched it drip and puddle on the floor
Watched as my veins emptied, like the good ol' times
Smiling faintly throughout

I still hate you
...but I think you know that

Oh, sorry
Are you taking my words, my feelings as acts of aggression?

I know you scrape your tounge against the more rigid parts of your teeth at the thought of me
I've seen you reciprocate the dead glimpses I send your way

But here we are


as always

It's hard not to laugh at our situation
haven't we been born with this constant sour taste at the tip of our toungs?

I think I've grown fond of it

Grown a liking,

Or, per-say, a reliance

This's what I am, this is all I am

A being,
simply created for the purpose
of holding you in place

A place filled with disdain,
A place filled with hurt,
A place filled with anger,

A place only you can reside,
A place only you can create
A place made completely of yourself

How do you feel?

© Marah Schneider