

Grandma's Kitchen
Write a poem focusing on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like.


The smell,
Of freshly baked bread,

Fills the air,
With warmth and comfort,

Grandma's kitchen,
Is a cozy place,

Where memories,
Are made and shared,

She always has a smile,
On her face,

A story to tell,
Or a song to sing,

She teaches me,
How to cook and bake,

And how to enjoy,
The simple things,

Grandma's kitchen,
Is full of love,

Life, laughter,
And happiness,

It is my favorite place to be,
Every Christmas day!

She shows me pictures,
Of her past,

Tells me stories,
Of her life,

Inspires me,
With her wisdom,

And her courage,
In times of strife,

Grandma's kitchen,
Is full of history,

Lessons and values,
It is where I learn,

About myself,
My roots, and my culture!

She gives me,
Hugs and kisses,

And treats me,
With kindness!

She makes me,
Feel special,

And fills me,
With gratitude!

Grandma's kitchen,
Is full of grace,

Generosity and warmth,
It is where,

I feel at home,
And a place,

Where I,
Do belong!

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