The first to betray me was my father
My protector, my family
At barely a few years old
My own prince charming betrayed me
They say that girls are the Jewelry of their fathers
If so then I must have been an alien, a stranger, a mistake
Just not his daughter probably
Second was my friends
Those people who promised the stars and left me
Those liars who pretended to like me
Pitying me in hope of feeling better
Taking me for an easy target
It's always...
My protector, my family
At barely a few years old
My own prince charming betrayed me
They say that girls are the Jewelry of their fathers
If so then I must have been an alien, a stranger, a mistake
Just not his daughter probably
Second was my friends
Those people who promised the stars and left me
Those liars who pretended to like me
Pitying me in hope of feeling better
Taking me for an easy target
It's always...