

Why wallow in poisoned thoughts
and poise on the sand of self doubts?

Why glimpse into the hollowness
of those who nefariously judge you
for making frantic efforts
and shrink for fear of sullen criticisms?

Why concentrate on the acidic rantings of the envious
and dawdle the years away?

Why irrigate cheeks with creeks
and drown in the stale rivers of setbacks and choke in the black abyss of despair and depression?

Forget not that the journey to wellness and success is lurked with lucid intents
painted by pitiful pains,
strangulated by sincere struggles,
dented by defeats and defects,
hatched by hatred and hard work,
flawed by fake followers and failures
and misguidedly marred by mistakes

shake off the dust of distraction,
envy and reproach...
pull on
for broken dreams
must be hatched into reality

The night hovering over you
has been annihilated
by the birth of dawn
with birds chirping songs of victory
as smiles couch on glistening faces

success is not cheap
it births fake friends
and failure...sincere foes

Stagger on with dignity and gaiety
and recapture your life
that dangles on the horizon
of your dreams

if you think it
you can make it
so don't mar it
by giving up

© Enash86