

Doth My Blackness Offend You
Doth my blackness offend you

Days of slavery before I was born
Pain coming from every mama's womb
Times of hurt beatings from whips
Children afraid of being taken from their mama's hips
Talks of being sold while in bondage
Because the color of our blackness we went days full of hunger
Children with tears filling their eyes
Only there are some wondering why
Oh how would you feel if snatched from your mother?
How would you feel if they shot down your brother?
How would you feel if daddy was in the grave?
Knowing the murderer wore badges that use to say something about slaves!
Oh, how would you feel if you baby was shot dead in the street?
Or if jobs were cut short and you had very little to eat?
Don't get me wrong not all are guilty
But those that are act as if we are filthy
Showing malice for someone you don't even know
Hatred derived from the ignorance of one
All it took was one to say we were inferior
Yet you don't open your eyes so we can make it clearer
We are not they thing you regret
I would think that is the lies that left you vetted

© Sista Alia