

the tides of tightly broken whoes.

Waves of panic and guilt
wash over me, ever
growing like the tide.
The storm that we
created i surely can not
We dance the dance of
chaos hoping it will
But in the end we both
know that one of us has
To be the breaker , it is
only but a dream.
To the one that's broken,
it's a never ending
The pieces you left for
me to pick up, were strewn and scattered all about with a gust.
Wind and a breeze stings at your skin The wind you blew so hard, thinking you would
Never ending sorrows,
never giving in.
They say
I never compromise l
only break not bend.
Well here I stand still
broken,scattered in the
wind, with the careless
thought of true love and
happiness that never
ends, a fleeting
thought, a ray of hope
keeps me coming in.
Still not whole ,lost
pieces of me, scattered
in the wind.

Will I ever find them, Will
they ever fit again, in
those places they once
held up before the storm began? I’ll never have all my pieces and
that's ok my friend.
For we can build a new one
with all the broken ends.
I may not be what I once
was, but I’m learning to
stand again. to wage a war
against the storm,
battling the wind.
© S.S.N.Lloyd