

prolonged wish
I just wanna see you,
not the doctor,
though I prayed these many years,
I don't wanna see God,
I just wanna see you,
I don't even touch your fingers,
not even sitting next,
let same distance remain,
let eyes fill you,
tears wet chin,
no more we stand,
I leave you with deep sigh,
you remain in my heart,
love, damm love,
expecting this I reached coffin,
you not even know my life thrones,
I smiled as if I am on bed of roses,
I only take the feeling where you,
I mean not the face, grey hair, soft cheek,
tall men,
the only feeling I take, nothing is mine except you in this world.
those sharpening the swords against me, may continue their job, may be they destined to so,
the wide scene of stars, moon, galaxy, milky way,
one fine day will start our journey together.