

The Wedding
The sun is shining on a warm summers morn.
The birds are singing to their favourite song.
The church becomes lively as the people swarm in.
Ready for the special day to begin.
The groom stand outside and nervously waits.
Puffing on a smoke he's crashed off his mates.
The minutes count down till his bride will arrive.
Accompanied by a father gleaming with pride.
The minutes count down so he makes his way inside.
Standing by his best man,
he's known since he was nine.
Right on queue the carriage rolls in.
Out steps the bride,
The wedding begins.
Walking down the aisle to the man she loves dear.
Trying her best to hold back the tears.
Approaching the alter with her vows out ready.
The vicars begins speaking soft and steady.
The bible is read and the hymns are all sung.
The I do's are spoken and the bells are all rung.
With the ceremony over let the party commence.
Drinks all around and the laughters ammense.
Witty speeches and smiles all around.
Happiness flows just like the brides gown.
Singing, dancing and partying all night.
There always that one guy that tries to start a fight.
Now the party has ended and everyone is home.
The last thing for the newlyweds is a honeymoon in rome.
© P.A.Nelson