

When you start living for the lord, in today's society you'll turn into an outcast.
A storm you'll some day endure but that to shall pass.
You'll begin to feel like you no longer fit in, with God you can't go wrong you'd always win.
I'd rather be an outcast, if I'm to received a love that will forever last.
Why must I indulge in the things of this world, if I am to blame God the moment I end up with a broken heart.
Being different, not following the crowd, not doing as others do sometimes make you an outcast.
You can have fun, you can do what makes you happy, once it's within the boundaries of what God intended for you.
I once hated being different, I hated being left out of some conversations, I at times felt friendless.
I finally understood why things happen the way they did, they were not the conversations God wanted me to have, for they would break the connection with have.
If giving up on earthly desires, to be blessed and highly favored by God, makes me an outcast, then I am more than happy to be one.
© Delroy