

The world feels endless when I am within your presence
Not even the purest cut gems could define or confine the feelings
No longer running on stardust
No longer shrouded by uncertainty

Even when the clouds fall
And when space seems to fall upon the earth
Even when my mind is obsidian, and my heart is stone
You seem to be the silver lining

The glint of life in your eyes
The warmth in your face
Makes my rugged soul feel at ease
As if the mist had been cleared from my mind

Scaling mountains, crossing valleys
Breaking myself to feel how I felt once again with you
Missing your embrace
Faking my trust

Waiting with empty arms
Standing with cuts and bruises

You were the rocky outcrop to my striped lighthouse
Yet without you, I crumble into the sea
The ocean sighing, recognizing my familiarity

#poem #heartbreak #love #loss

© Rynne