

simple life
© khy^nn

life does not depend on money
you don't have to be rich to eat delicious food
you don't have to be rich to have beautiful house
and you don't have to be rich to have happy family
it's the way how you do it

yes you are rich but rarely eat
yes you are rich but almost don't sleep
and yes you are rich but not happy
why? because you only focus in earning money

and she is poor, don't have a lot of money
she eat vegetables,
sleep in small house,
but she is happy

because she accept what she is
she is contented
instead of wasting all her time to work,
she spend it with her family

simple but happy

so unlike you,
she has a lot of happy memories
she knows and experience happiness
when will you experience it?

it's okay to work
it's good to be successful
it's better if you're rich
but always have enough time for everything

work needs time, but just enough
friend needs time, and so our family
most importantly, our self need time
to heal, to try again

so give enough time to everything
don't overdone it
we can always earn money
but we can't have the happiness we missed