

The Moon
You're the moon, ethereal and bright
A timeless presence in the velvet night
Your silver glow, a celestial gift
That brings solace to those in need of a lift

You're the guardian of the starry sky
A symbol of love, never asking why
You watch over us, through the darkest hours
With a gentle grace, like a moonlit shower

Your phases changing, a wondrous sight
As you wax and wane, in the pale moonlight
Each one a reminder of life's ebb and flow
A never-ending cycle, a beautiful show

You witness secrets, whispered in the dark
And hold them close, in your mystic ark
You're a beacon of hope, in a world of chaos
Guiding lost souls, with your serene compass

From crescent to full, you shine so bright
Illuminating our paths, with your silvery light
You reflect the sun, in all its grandeur
A mirrored reflection, ever so pure

You're the moon, a symbol of grace
A constant presence, in this vast space
Thank you for being, a source of calm
A reminder that even in darkness, there's a balm.

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