

The death knock
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..
of many a stumbling block
hidden in plain sight ,like an unsightly rock!
She puts on a bright yellow frock
and gazes at the Grandfather clock
TicTick tictock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..
of the mysteries hidden with an invisible lock!
Like ripples on calm waters,made by a rock
She plunges into the silent dark,each second of the clock
TicTock,TicTock,deeper and deeper
Till the yellow of the frock
disappears into the dark,like the invisible lock..
TicTock,TicTock,goes the clock
The secrets pounding on the lock
She hesitates a moment to unlock
The blood pounding in her ears
TicTock TicTock like the clock
TicTock TicTock,The biggest shock
those dark secrets unlock
was the heart rending death knock
that stopped her clock,
TicTock TicTock
no more she heard,
TicTock TicTock,that grandfather clock
no more she saw,
All that remains, not the TicTock TicTock of the clock ,but her now invisible frock under the rock...

© Aadi