

A Sharks Tale
I'm so glad I don't live in a tank
I once ate a guy named Hank
I bit off his head
He's definitely dead
And what I didn't eat sank

I swam from Australia to Cuba
I ate a guy doing scuba
with his rubber wet suit
And his tank to boot
Then I swam all the way to Aruba

I then made friends with a whale
Who capsized a boat with a sail
All the people fell in
And no one could swim
So I ate them all up without fail

I'm a shark I have to eat meat
I'd even eat your smelly feet
It's so terrific
In the Pacific
You'd be surprised the people I meet

My whale friend was getting boring
When he slept he didn't stop snoring
But he was my muscle
In case of a tussle
But I felt this friendship was drawing

He asked me if I wanted to date
I said hold on your just a mate
A whale and a shark
I felt no spark
Then he said come on, we could be great

How am I going to get out of this
Jesus he's not even a fish
It's not you it's me
Can you not see
But then he forced me into a kiss