

Auditor's verse
In halls of figures, where truth's unveiled,
Audit's embrace, the stories curtailed.
Numbers entwine, a dance so grand,
Financial secrets, in firm's hand.

Ledger's canvas, where transactions paint,
A story woven, faint and quaint.
With careful eyes, we scrutinize,
Numbers' truths, beneath the guise.

Balance sheets stand, like sentinel towers,
Guarding secrets of fiscal hours.
Income flows like a river's course,
Audit's touch, reveals its source.

In whispered whispers of every line,
Hidden truths, they intertwine.
Financial statements, a cryptic code,
Audit's quest, to skillfully decode.

Numbers may waltz, with deceptive grace,
Yet auditor's diligence leaves no trace.
For in each digit, a tale to tell,
Of profits gained and debts that swell.

Fractions of honesty, integrity's plea,
In financial statements, auditors see.
Forensic seekers, through data they roam,
In search of clarity, to bring truth home.

So let the ledgers reveal their truth,
As auditors probe with vigor and ruth.
In numbers' embrace, they tirelessly delve,
For in financial tales, they truly excel.

Auditing whispers truth through ink,
Unveils tales hidden, as we think.
Unveiling stories buried deep,
In balance sheets' embrace, secrets we keep.
© nikz2415