

Empty Fantasies
Millions of thoughts running through my head
Things that could be done or secret places to go alone
Things we could do to feel differently for one another
Things to think of and smile about at home.

Dreams that have filled the night many many moons prior
I want to bring into the light to make you smile
Maybe a chance to bring us back full circle again
Bring back what we feel but we lie about and stay in denial.

The bliss once made behind huge closed doors is made again
Maybe the kiss will help rekindle some of what seems lost
I wonder if you'll listen and act on my desires
Or if I will be forced to lose my heart and soul as the cost?

There are things I always only wanted to share with the one
There are ways I wanna be touched only you can do
And then they won't seem like just empty fantasies
They would then become closer to dreams come true.

        April 9, 2020
© Hailey Raine