

No More Staples
Seated at my desk
I reach for a stapler
And grab some papers
Applying light pressure
But my office supplies
Have no bite
No more staples

I open a drawer
Where I find refills
Thankful I thought of
Stocking up on some
For the next time I need them
Along with some pens
And clear scotch tape

Although my school years
Are far behind me
I still remember
Standing in queue at church
Where a charity helped make
The back to school season
More affordable

Fortunate that such arrangements
Exist for low income families
I think of children in the third world
And what going to school
Means for them
Classrooms over crowded
And under funded

The only way to break
The cycle of poverty
But often students drop out
To support their families
Barely getting by
Working hard instead of learning
Growing up too fast

A few years ago
I sponsored a child
She dreamed of being a teacher
But had fallen behind in her lessons
I helped her afford after school tutoring
Where she thrived and eventually
Caught up with her classmates

She was so excited
To wear her school uniform
And have a backpack
With classroom essentials
I think of her now and then
When I have no more staples
And must shop for office supplies
© Cynthia Sappracone