

Thanks Mom
"This world does not run off of all your thoughts and actions" -Mom

That's not even pertinent to what I've just said. I sent you love and to no surprise, you negated it to condemn me. Just like any other time you get the chance....or just choose a reason.
I am in control of my world and what comes into it. I always keep a positive outlook and a loving heart. I refuse to let the cruel harshness of this world and those who are drowning in their own miserable sorrows, dictate or deter me from having the freedom of happiness. I wish you could feel it too. Although I hate the way I had to grow through a life of your misery, I forever will be grateful for it showcased a life that I simply would not lead.
And just right now I realized, that I have in fact learned lessons from others actions, whereas before, I was certain that I indeed had to go through the suffrage myself. So here to you, another thanks I give. This one is for this conversation that led me to this realization.