

Blank Pages

I've always been afraid of blank pages.
There's something terrifying about them;
they intimidate the hell out of me.
I'm too afraid I'd mess it up,
knowing all too well that even if I try to fix it,
it'll never go back to the way it was before:
clean, spotless.

Maybe that's the reason why
I've always been afraid to jump, to gamble, to give my all.
Knowing all too well that even if I try,
still, it wouldn't be enough.
I'll never be enough.

You're not worth that much to them.
Not because you're not worth the try, no.
Sometimes it's about learning to respect yourself
enough to walk away
from things that no longer serve you.

So, self, I forgive you
for thinking you're not good enough
for people who can let you go so easily.
I forgive you for thinking you'll never be enough
for people who can replace you in the blink of an eye.

I think it's brave for you to finally realize
and accept things as they are.
And sometimes,
the best way to do it
is to let go.

See, there's beauty in letting go.
It will set you free to a better place
where your love
is not too much
but more than enough.

So, move ahead elsewhere,
where you can be you,
be with the people who can match your fire.
And even if they don't,
Hey, You can always burn them!

© euphemia


@pixiedust @Writco