


My Life has not always been a smooth ride
I've fallen countless times,
At times I let myself stay buried at the result of the fall,
Self pity, Overthinking,
I keep cursing myself I can't just do right,
I loose myself at the effort to make a mense.
I've been drained in the thoughts of my past
In the will to make everything great,
In the will to hold it longer no matter how painful holding on gets.
Yeah, I'm a coward, I'm selfless, I love assurance
But do you bother asking why?
Do you really care how this makes me feel?
Yeah, yeah same old response,
"I hate answering same question countless times".
Yeah I'm sturborn, I don't do things right everytime,
I wonna learn how you want everything done,
I'm trying my best to be that best friend..
I never wanted assurance of the future,
We don't know what the future holds,
I know fights are part of the process
I wanted assurance that no matter what life offers,
Its gonna be us against the world,
I wanted assurance that you will always be my best friend.
You know what my greatest regret is,
Not giving myself a chance to understand you,
No, you said I'm a poet I can read in between the lines,
What if I told that you just that tough, complicated poem I've read 1000 times and not gotten the hidden meaning to it,
That poem I still can't figure out it's audience,
I have always been a guru in poetry but you,
You that puzzle I need a whole life to figure out
I need intervention,
I need you to walk me through it.
I wonna learn you,
I wonna understand you.

Olive shiku

© Olive shiku