

Me and my reflections

In the mirror's silvered light,
I saw myself, yet not in sight,
Many versions, diverse and wide,
Reflections of the person I'd denied.

One was strong, with a fierce gaze,
Another worn, with a thousand days,
A younger me, with a smile so bright,
An older me, with a gentle night.

They spoke to me, in whispers low,
"Who are you, and where do you go?"
I replied, "I'm lost, in this place,
Trying to find my true face."

The strong one said, "Be brave, take a stand,"
The worn one said, "Rest, heal your hand,"
The young one said, "Dream, aim high,"
The old one said, "Wisdom comes, don't ask why."

I listened close, to their words so true,
And realized, I'm a work in progress, anew.

© Santanu