

The Sherwood Detox Experiment Bullet 38.
Brought to you I'm part by Moderna,Phizer. ANd J&J.

The Power of the Cross
I just remembered why I have a cookie love for pills, oxymoron Xanax bars , percusets ,and tabs, morphine patches to, I really enjoy popping those xanys, even when I forget things, like weeks, WHO ATE ALL MY BARS , I couldn't believe my own friends would steal my bars , because I was out of my mind! To this day day they still deny eating those Xanax bars , I even sat down and had to drink about it, there's no way I ate them and forgot about eating them , they stole them and that's a sin! Growth and Maturity ,I would steal from people on pills like I was in a spy movie on these pills and watch the cops flash their flashlights through the window waiting for them to pass , i didn't have any idea what the hell I was doing , I was out of my mind , it's a wonder how I didn't die , get shot , drowned, crashed, hung myself doing something I had no control of , RIP, to the Mourning, and the mourning that still lives God bless you "Blessed are the mourning for they Shall be comforted" MAy THE LORD LIFT YOU UP AND LET YOU LIVE, Jesus Christo, hit me up it's up for grabs,

I can't remember alot of times on pills, but I remember alot of pills, i remember it started off with them songs , and a good time, it ended up in the weirdest places, mornings looking up at the jail light, telling myself , "you did it again you idiot"and then start back kicking the drunk tank door for 15 min, because and almost broke the footfoot, how obnoxious and immature. How disgusting were you raised , Is this how you honor your parents?Do you know the knowledge of the word of God and respect the power of it, The divine inspired word of God, metaphorically speaking ,the 7 sons of Skeva ,vs the men of God could not metaphorically do anything against the demon possessed. Apostle Paul was Recognized , Jesus was recognized but none of the other spirit filled men could handle the job and ended up naked and running for their lives, ,, IT wasn't knowing the teachings of apollis , it wasnt because they were baptized by john or that he was baptized by peter, it wasn't who taught who. Or followed who, it was The Divine Inspired Word. THE ONE FROM THE BEGINNING, From the tribe , that travelled from generation to generation and was persecuted against ,they tried to kill a whole generation to kill the baby born messiah, from the prophecy they recieved, who rose the dead, healed the blind, who walked and taught, and was killed and rose from the grave broke the curse, GAME OVER ,THE ONE WHO LEFT THE 99, , THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, ALPHA AND OMEGA, 🤘🤘 I forgive you for stealing my pills from me , I UNDERSTAND NOW THAT YOU WERE OUT OF YOUR MIND, Glory to God, THE POWER OF THE CROSS its all up for grabs, it's on the table, Hes coming for you, Hes gonna get you!