

Memories Without Faces
We are taught from a young age that faces hold the master key,
To unlock life, to understand feelings, and to set us free.
After all, faces are the window to seeing the soul,
They teach humankind how to read a room, our role.

I challenge you to think back to a transformative time in your life,
Maybe a lasting friendship, a new school, or an unforgettable fight.
Visualize it…the colors, the expressions, the place,
Think back to it and distinctly focus on the face.

The face of your father smiling as you finally graduate school,
Or your mom’s nod of encouragement as you swam the first time in a pool.
Your sister’s surprise when you got her the dog she has always wanted,
Or your brother’s disappointment when his date never responded.

These emotions are so evident if we pay close enough attention,
The slightest signs that are often forgotten or neglected.
Most of us are blessed with the gift of sight,
Though some of us wish for that luxury of light.

So when your eyes dance at the beauty of the next sunrise,
Or you stare up in wonder as a beautiful cardinal gracefully flies,
Think back to all the good in your life,
And try to see the world in a different perspective or light…

© Aligator