

The apple
An apple sat still on a table, not
moving, nor being looked upon
as it sat there. Many walked by,
passed by as the apple sat on that
table, that same old table which had
began to wear, more people walked by,
the apple discoloured, more time
passed, with laughs and giggles and
small minor joys. Yet the apple still
sits and watches, waiting to be noticed.
It soon loathed the sounds of joy and
friendships crafted, as it sat in silence,
stunned still stuck in a silent trance of
mild confusion. Oh how it loathed their
happiness, their joy; yet no one noticed its
painted distress, as its glares turned to
winces, and its skin peeled in the
blistering sun. More time passed, more
skin rotted. On a blades edge it was, that
apple which silently sat as it rotted away, the
sun fell below the buildings, the last
skin tore, and the apple was gone. A moment away, a young child walked past head down,
oblivious to the problems, oblivious to
the change. The world turned. A new apple
took it's place.

#apple #adventure #timeflies #act

© IxxyHazz