

Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Have you ever felt like crying
even though there's nothing bothering you?
Have you ever felt your heart break
into infinite pieces from continuous attacks?
Have you ever been decieved,
by people you called yours.

Have you ever questioned your existence,
and wished that you were no more.
Have you ever looked at your reflection in the mirror,
and realized that that's not you.
Have you ever faked a smile,
to hide the tears in your eyes.

Have you ever tried to imagine yourself in a dream-land,
to clear your mind of the harsh realties that surround you.
Have you ever tried to imagine,
what peace and happiness look like.
Have you ever tried to sleep,
to look for the serene happiness in your dreams.

Have you ever looked at a shooting star,and tried to wish,
but then found that there's so much to wish for.
Have you ever wondered when was the last time,
you hugged someone and felt the warmth of his brace.
have you ever found yourself beholding your wounds,
wondering what part of your body is not wounded.

Have you ever cried to such an extent that,
it's become difficult to see because of the swelling in your eyes.
Have you ever found out that your wounds hurt no more,
because you've already had so many.
Have you ever desired to be appreciated just once,
by the person who means the world to you.
Have you ever thought that there's nothing in the world,
to live for or to be lived for.

If you have then you just need to know
You just need to know that,
you're perfect the way you are.
If someone doesn't like you,
It's exactly not what YOU should be worried of.

If you have noone to love you,
you have YOU.
and that's the perfect mate for you.
If you have nothing to live or to be lived for,
then live for YOURSELF, for your desires.
LIVE for you are not the one who's backing off.

Now bandage your wounds,
put your sneakers on,
get ready,
because you still have to go on a long way,
and your dreams are waiting for you ahead,


~Ayesha kanwal💖