

Dark love
I was in love with darkness, it led me to a path of forgetfulness. This darkness led me to believe that it was light.
It felt harmless yet heartless
Deep within my soul was being crushed
As my tears washed away every light in this beautiful soul.

I loved this darkness so deep that I became sleeping beauty.
I lived in fear of losing this dark love
I'd gasped for air at the thought of never feeling this love again
The pain I felt when was sharper than a doubled edge sword, this darkness sliced through my veins like a knife viciously stabbing me in the heart.
My tears became droplets of bloodstains as my heart got shredded piece by piece.

The feeling of heartbreak was like a hurricane as my heart shattered
The pit of my tummy hurt like a woman in labor pain, the frame that held my heart together burst in flames
Droplets of fire burn through my soul, as I yearned for the kiss that gives me a heartburn. My heart burning from the fire that was set ablaze when this darkness walked away.

This love was like an imaginary art that was too real an art painted with the hands of deception.
A splash of black with hidden words of rejection, led me to a series of panic attacks, I cant breathe, I cant breathe
As the infection of dark love spread through my veins, refraining from setting me free, it held me in chains.

I fight so hard, that I bled to death
walking with a smile, holding my breath
while the pain sliced my heart slowly
The art no longer imaginary but the reality of dark love toxins that floods my blood. The infection of rejection, I was feeling dejected.
The only prescription was more of this dark love or so I thought.

Please do comment and tell me what you guys think. any feedback would be greatly appreciated .

#darklove #heartbreak #pain #overcomer #smilinnow #writcopoem #writcopoetry #inspiration #writcowriters #writco #writers

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️