

two lost souls
He didn't care that I'm a hopeless cause.
I guess he could say he felt mutual.
Something drew us together.
Something more than usual.
We both lived reckless lives in a cold world.
Atleast we can both say we got the two of us.
Not sure what love truly is.
im not even loving my own life to sober up.
He tells me that I help ease the pain
even though the drugs make us numb enough.
Wishing the high could last longer
Because when its gone I ask myself, whats the point of this foolish lust?
Are drug induced minds and our selfish lies.
 Are as deep as the hole we dug.
Too deep in this so called "game" to care about our own self love.
but, I'd rather be with him then to be alone and lost.
  Both addicted enablers strung out and rock bottom.
Going through that down and out.
I guess, better were together then a lonely route.
And like they always say
misery does loves company.
Atleast for now until the drugs run out.