

A World Where Hatred Is Left Behind!
In shadows cast by bitter disdain,
Lets put some light to Hatred's Domain.
A solemn exploration, so we may see,
The darkness that unfolds, the poison it be.

From seeds of discord, hatred takes birth,
Spreading its grasp, strangling one's worth.
It festers and grows, consuming the soul,
A toxic upheavel that takes its toll.

In clenched fists and fiery eyes,
In venomous words that cut through skies,
Hatred breeds tensions, a divisive wall
That rots us inside, causing us to fall.

But pause for a moment, let wisdom rise,
For in understanding, a beacon lies.
For hatred is born from ignorance's plight,
And empathy can be its healing light.

Let's seek compassion, a cure for enmity.
A bridge to forgiveness, peace and serenity
For in the face of hatred's fierce reign,
Only the power of love shall sustain.

With open minds and hearts set free,
We break the chains of hostility.
For in unity and acceptance we find,
A world where hatred is left behind.

© Random Legionary (Rudraksh)