

Save Me!!
Your head just couldn’t handle the pain anymore!
Like you were the invisible man you everyone chose to ignore!
Would they have felt different if they knew you had already decided to quietly knock on death’s door?

What if they had been who found you laying dead on your bedroom floor?
Would they had noticed you more?
Maybe they’d wished they had gotten to know you before!

They didn’t understand your struggle with your mental war!
Every negative thing said about you it hurt you so bad right to your very core!
Your family begging you to wake up they beg and implore!

Maybe just maybe people would’ve treated you differently if they knew this was your fate!
They never understood all the heart wrenching emotional mental weight!
Should’ve made you feel better about yourself but doesn’t matter it’s all too late!

Why’d they show you only nothing but hate?
Back in time would they wish they could go and different choices they’d create?
Maybe if they knew you better they could relate!

Here you are laying in a hospital bed not looking so great!
Whether it’s time to go or time to stay everyone can only wait!
You took all those pills because your head was in a messed up state!

Doctors say your heartbeat is slowing down at a rapid rate!
They want to give everyone else hope you’ll survive this but with your family they have to be straight!
In the waiting room everyone together will gather waiting for every single update!

Out come the doctors telling your family that your life is almost through!
They tell them they’d better come and for the last time talk to you!
They can’t begin to believe this happened not knowing what to do!

You’re barely still here but tell them it’s ok don’t be blue!
You tell everyone you love them too!
They wish they’d known how you always felt wishing they knew!

You tell them there was no one to blame only you!
Told them how much you always struggled and hid your pain it’s so true!
It wasn’t their fault they had no clue!

You hid your pain all too well!
They would’ve never been able to tell!
Will you go to heaven now or to hell?

Tell them you’re ready to say goodbye and to say farewell!
Told them mentally you think you always felt a little bit unwell!
On the outside you looked fine but inside you were fighting an internal hell!

In the corner of the hospital room someone there that only you can see!
A loved one who died awhile ago ready to bring you home where you can finally be free!
You tell them I’m sorry this was the way it had to be!

Please don’t go away from us they beg you and plea!
Holding your hand only seconds left counting to one, two, three!
The girl you loved comes in and grabs your hand and with your final breath whispering in her ear you tell her darling you had already saved me!

© BDawg90