

My keyboard knows you as well as I do
And it types your name how I think if you,
My hand knows your name and in what style to write it
And my mouth knows you're name and how to say it,
My eyes know how you look and your eyes know how they look at you
And my body knows you're hug but not how to let it go.

my keyboard knows your name and types it in lowercase, not like how it used to do
and my hand stop styling your name when,
if it wrote about you.
my mouth knows your name but chooses not to say it
and my eyes knows yours but now yours can't the recall the way I used to look at you,
and my body knows your hug,
It now knows how to let it go.

i think of you now in lowercase
But you know I used to love you in uppercase
What changed?

© Dantewrites

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