

Quality Education
Sometimes I realize that
I owe a lot to my nation
It has given me power,
The power to outshow myself
not merely as its citizen
but also by letting me,
what I want to be,
I owe a lot to my nation,
with this thought in consideration,
I dream to see it growing,
I dream to see it rising,
Alone I can't strive enough
to turn my dream in reality
For it needs quality,
Quality to serve the people
with the right to become literate,
literate enough to brighten their fate,
Quality Education is the right of every citizen,
As together we owe a lot to this nation,
Let's team up together to spur into action
And build a better nation,
as woven in aspiration,
Let's pledge to serve our nation,
together with QUALITY EDUCATION!!

© Heart Express@Nidhi