

Watercolors Will Love Me Soon...Sigh!
My new found love,
Watercolors, my recent crush,
Mandala introduced me to the art world,
Now in watercolors I am immersed...

BUT... this art is no joke,
Even if the paint just randomly flows,
You need to know exactly what you want to show...
I am yet to decipher the secret,
So many papers already wasted,
To paint a simple cloud or a tree,
Has taken up all my energy,
I'm failing at this art miserably,
Everyday is a flop beginning...

Not giving up though,
Will work with colours till I know,
Because colors are like magic,
Lifts your mood, that's its beauty,
No matter how many more papers to go,
I will learn this art till I become a pro!

PS - You can see how I'm failing, still trying, by the image uploaded!

© Polkola
#colors #artistpain #paint #therapy #learn #Love&love