

Many Nights
Many nights I could have died,
many night my tears were never dried
my pain rip me to pieces, taking me apart piece by piece.
Many nights I scream, noone hears because its the silent scream that cuts your inner being to pieces, leaving nothing but a walking empty shell.
Many nights I hold onto the walls, wishing I was Samson, I would break it apart, hoping to rest the aching pain in my bones. The wall still stands because I'm weak and frail. I need a break, take me to the grave side so the noise may stop.
Many nights I smash the glass, slicing my body parts, because physical pain feels better to handle, my emotions running too wild, I can't stand it, help me burst theses chain, I realize I'm alone. my mind is gone.
Many nights I pen my pain, while the tears running like a river. The sheets soak, while the pain blackmail me, I've nothing to give, pain leave me be that I may never say many nights.

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

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