

Situation (s)
My mind isn't calm,having a lot inside.
What is true self this question is always there in my mind,
Bind, people want's to bind, hands compile, love spread everywhere,it's a human nature.
But,there is always something which shakes my from inside.

At night I look to ask, in the search of moisture and peace of life.
I left my old self long ago,
With the situation of my internal mind,
Now, I'm
Full of lot of pain but emitting good vibes.

Like drops of water nurtures the drought surface,
My tears nurtures the pain and fire of side.
I'm not complaining,but
This is the situation of my entire life.

Thinking once all around,
I was in the hand of bear.
I left to cope up with the pain,
Now I'm the person with the aim
To work and to go high.

© kill3rheartshreshth