

McDonald's Cashier (mayipleasetakeYOURorder)
If Basquiat were to spend 1000 lifetimes
painting a single canvas
you would be the image conjured.

Boardstrokes, swift and sturdy at times,
passive, if not lenient, others,

Symmetrical and asymmetrical,
A juxtaposition is love

Say's the poet into the bed of magnolias

his notepad with pen sitting idle on it; unsheathed like the swords in the black hands of the 54th Mass. Infantry at Wagner,
sat momentarially content, and absorbed the magnolias' redolance.

The poet then sits back, gazing out over his bountiful garden of bright Dahilia, Chrysanthemums, lilacs and the sort;
smiles confidently, yet sullen and internal; and then proceeds:

You brim
with infinite...