

A Refresher
Lying on my bed in hot summer I thought
Let me take air and feel some breath

On a glance there stood, a mighty Castle
Hari Parbat they call it in my hometown

Let's have a visit into the nature to refresh
Just to getaway from this scrotching heat

A walk was through green lush trees
A pavement laid quite old in the past

A walk uphill towards the nature's call
There it stood mighty and quite tall

Secured by the armed forces to have look
Glancing at the whole city into every nook

I handed over my ID proving it's my home
Not an easy day in a disputed land for many

The approach to the mighty Castle relieved
The harsh and difficulty of the terrain

The one glance from the top was a sooth
A refresher to every ounce of soul

The bliss in heart only was crying loud
The walls and towers whispered in silence

Being in nature takes away from reality
It seems am I living a dream or fantasy

The whispers kept reminding the week
Against the mighty nature you are meek

Slowly patting the ear lobes the air
Kept refreshing the whole body taste

The enjoyment and the time spent in nature
Not a moment not a part is any waste

© mirakhtar